Thursday, 23 July 2009

How To Do Skateboarding Tricks

If you want to know how to do skateboarding tricks then step right this way and we will give you a few tips on how you can become an expert skateboarding trickster!

OK, well if you are just starting out skateboarding the key is not to get too far ahead of yourself. You have got to learn the basics first, and have them so they feel like second nature to you, before you attempt any intricate tricks.

Skateboarding is a discipline that you have to learn, you gotta get your technique nice and tight so that you are in control of the board at all times. The board should almost feel like an extension of your feet,and of course this does take time.

So you have to put some hours in to get into that zone where your body and your wheels are working in perfect co-ordination. Then you look at how to do skateboarding tricks.

Starting from scratch, work on getting your balance on the board. Stand on the stationary board and see how long you can keep your balance. Then push off with you back foot and step on and see how far you can roll along before you come off.
Practice jumping on the board and keeping your balance. Keep pushing your board to go a little faster each time, as you will find you can often keep your balance better the faster you are moving.

Try different positions on the board and see which feels the easiest for you. Bend your knees and your body forward to help with your balance and increase the speed.
Then try to slant your body and feet to one edge so as to curve your skateboard.

When you get down to how to do skateboarding tricks the first one you should learn is the ollie as this is the basis for many skateboarding tricks. This involves flipping the skateboard up from the back and jumping up and controlling the front with the other foot.

If you want to learn all the skateboarding tricks in double quick time then click on Skate Secrets

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Skateboarding Culture

Skateboarding culture has developed over the years, and is an extremely diverse fusion of surfing culture, punk culture, street culture, hip hop culture, and hard rock culture.

You can see all the different strands blend into what is a firmly entrenched skateboarding culture now. It has taken most of the cool elements from these genres and created its own identity.

Initially it relied heavily on surfing culture in the 1950`s and 60`s, due to the fact that skateboarding grew out of and from surfing. So it used many of the same slang terms, which are still used today, and the whole ethos was tied to the apron strings of surfing.

As punk culture grew, and skateboarding culture moved away from its roots to embrace this, skateboarding began to be seen as a rebel thing, and this was conveyed in its attitude and clothes. The punk influence is still there now, especially in the kind of t-shirts skaters wear.
As some punk morphed into hard rock forms this hard edge became noticeable.

More fusion came in when street culture embraced skateboarding, and so then you had the hip hop culture having a huge influence on it, from clothes, to how you wear your clothes, how you act and move. It is exciting to see all the different strands merge into this fantastic, strong identity that skateboarding now has.

Skateboarding culture is now a thriving and constantly evolving subculture, that has movement, clothes, music and attitude at the heart of it.
As music and clothes subtly change, then so do skateboarders looks change, although their identity now is an extremely strong look, and any changes from this will be a very gradual process.

If you want to learn how to skateboard in double quick time with the best guide on the internet for learning you tricks, click on Skate Secrets

Monday, 13 July 2009

Great Skateboard Tricks From A 6 Year Old!!

Do you want to see some great skateboard tricks done by a 6 year old? I know it pains me to say it that when we are falling over on our backsides and losing our dignity, that a 6 year old can do these tricks, but it is true!

Have a look at this kid called Sebastian Kuhr who is doing some great skateboard tricks on this video at Skate Tricks

How cool is this kid?! He even comes from a cool place, Hermosa Beach in California. I mean I think that maybe beats Darwen in the wet and windy North of England where I reside hands down y`know.
Although I cant believe a Californian kid is cool enough to be into the Arctic Monkeys, which is on the soundtrack to the video. Methinks his dad might have had a hand in that one, although I am seriously impressed.

Anyways, about the video. Sebastian, or Seabass as he is known, does some great skateboard tricks on ramps, up and down steps and jumps. He performs, among others, a fakie bigspin and half cab, and a 6 stair ollie.

And joking aside it is worth watching him skate to learn some of these tricks, the positions he is in when going into the tricks, and how he executes them.
There is no doubt the younger you learn something the better it is to pick up, and also you dont seem to have any fear at a young age, at least that is what they tell me!

He obviously loves to skateboard, and competes in local skateboard contests. He can also snowboard to a high standard too.
There is nothing more to say than to say go over and watch the video of these great skateboard tricks, and maybe one day we can all be as good as him, though in my case I doubt it! The link is at Skate Tricks

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Skateboard Ramp Tricks

In skateboard ramp tricks we are gonna look at the blunt to fakie trick. This may not mean a lot to you at this precise moment, but stick with me kid and I will fill in all the gaps for you.

The blunt to fakie skateboard ramp trick is when you go up the ramp until both your back wheels come over the rim of the ramp. It looks like you are going to come right over and off the ramp as you have hit the top of the ramp straight on with your skateboard, but instead you are going to come back down.

With this trick you need to have the ball of your back foot in the middle of the boards tail as your back wheels go over the top of the ramp, and you need to push forward on your front foot near the front of the board. This will give you some momentum and you can push back in with the ball of your foot on the tail, and so this will enable you to pop back in.

You give it a kind of bounce at the top of the ramp as you are just going to go right over the ramp, and that push back on the tail with your back foot helps you pop up so you can slide backwards down the ramp.

You have to make sure you hit the top of the ramp with your wheels straight upwards, otherwise this will not work and you will probably come to grief and fall.
You need quite a bit of momentum for this trick to succeed as both front and back wheels have to make themselves clear of the top of the ramp.

So there we have one of the skateboard ramp tricks. If you want to learn all of the skateboard tricks there are out there in 8 weeks or less then click on Skate Secrets

Tricks On Skatebords

OK, tricks on skateboards, let us look at how to do an ollie while moving, as opposed to doing an ollie while stationary----obviously!!

So your front foot should be around about in the middle of the board, and your back foot on the tail of your board. You push off with your back foot and then put your back foot on the tail, and push down on the tail with your back foot so the front pops up, and you slide your front foot forward, wait for the skateboard to even out in the air, and then you can drop the skateboard back down. The toes of your front foot should be over the front bolts when you are doing this, so that you can control the skateboard with that front foot.

You basically control the overall movement of the board with that front foot of yours, and to do that when you are pressing down on the board with your front foot to bring the board back down, you need to bend your knee forward, and also your body slightly forward, so that your weight is bearing down on that front foot.

The more you practice the better you will get at this, just like any other tricks on skateboards. The better you get, the more momentum you can carry into the moving ollie by pushing off harder, and then you can press harder onto the tail and get a higher jump on your skateboard.

It is not much harder than a stationary ollie, but you must take a little more care with your balance. Get your technique right, make sure your stance and positioning are perfect when you attempt this, and you will find it a whole lot easier.
Tricks on skateboards are always great fun, and as the ollie is the basis for many, many tricks, if you perfect this you will be really up and running.

If you want to learn all the skateboarding tricks in the book in 8 weeks or less then you must click on Skate Secrets

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

How To Prevent Skateboarding Injuries

You may think how to prevent skateboarding injuries is to not get on a skateboard in the first place, and you would be right!
But in the event that we are not going to give up skateboarding then we need some guidance as to how to prevent serious injury.

Now first and foremost, never, ever go skateboarding without your helmet on. You are out in the street, you misjudge a move and fall backwards, if you havent got your helmet on, the back of your head is going to come into contact with concrete and it is not going to be pretty. So please wear your helmet, and make sure the buckle is fastened on it and it is a good fit so it does not move around.

Knee pads and wrist braces are important too, especially when you are first starting out and falling over with alarming regularity. Hand and wrist injuries are a very common injury.

You need a safe area to skateboard in, one that you are not coming into contact with cars, or pedestrians, and one that does not have any dangerous stationary objects in it. Be aware of your surroundings and amke a note of any potential hazards or problems that could occur. For instance look out for any uneven and bumpy surfaces.

To prevent skateboarding injuries always skate within your ability zone. In other words do not try any hard, potentially dangerous tricks if you are not up to speed with them and your technique is not tight enough to safely manage them.

To stop yourself falling backwards keep your body weight on your front foot rather than your back foot. When you do fall, make sure you bend your knees and roll with your shoulder as you hit the floor, so the fleshy part of your shoulder takes the minimal impact possible.

So there we are, how to prevent skateboarding injuries. If you have just started out and you want to learn how to do all the great skateboarding tricks pronto, then I suggest you take a look at the Secrets Of Skateboarding by clicking on Skate Secrets

Beginning Skateboarding

When you are beginning skateboarding there are a few things you might wanna do, and some things it would be well to know.
So here are 10 quick tips on starting up:

1. Get a skateboard!! Hehee, no seriously I mean get a skateboard you are going to be comfortable on when starting up, that is one that is quite wide and heavy to give you good stability.

2. When you are beginning skateboarding you need all the right safety equipment, such as helmet, knee pads, wrist braces, cups etc. Skateboarding is a sport where you fall and hurt yourself, aint no 2 ways about it, so to minimise the impact get all the safety gear.

3. Find a safe place to practice. You dont want to have too many things, both moving or stationary, to bump into.

4. Get yourself acquainted with your board. Practice balancing on the board and staying on as long as possible. Try to develop a feel for your skateboard, all its nuances and its trajectory when you move forward.

5. Practice jumping on to your board and keeping upright. Try different angles to jump onto the board, and different areas to land on.

6. Get comfortable with your stance on the board, either goofy or regular, you decide what is best for you.

7. Start to push off on the board and gain some momentum and speed. Have your pushing foot further forward than your other foot when you do this.

8. Get used to bending your knees to gain both speed and a better balance.

9. Learn how moving your feet across your board can affect its trajectory, practice leaning to one side and balancing as you start to learn curves.

10. Practice stamping down on the back of your board to pop it and then balance on the board with your front foot controlling the board.

I hope this will help you as you are beginning skateboarding, if you want a fantastic guide to learning all the tricks then I recommend you click on Skate Secrets

Skateboarding Varial Flip

Let us have a look at a particular trick called the Varial Flip. A varial flip is when there is a lateral rotation of the skateboard or rider. There should be a varial rotation of 180 degrees.

The varial flip is basically a combination of the Kick Flip and the Pop Shove It.
It is important you have mastered these 2 tricks before you venture to do the varial flip.

So to start you need your toes off the side of the tail like a pop shove it, so that when you stomp on the tail the board rotates. You have your front foot like with a kick flip, so that you slide your front foot off the front of the board at the same time as the board pops up and rotates.

The board spins and rotates 180 degrees around as you are airborne, and then as the board lands on the floor you also land on the board with both feet nicely apart and balanced so that you catch the board just right and keep your balance.

So this is the varial flip, or varial kickflip, and is not too hard to figure out as you should have already got to grips with the kick flip and pop shove it.
This is basically shoving it as you flip, rotating the board with your back foot and flipping the board as well.
You do not want to flip the board too hard, but just enough for the board to rotate in the air and drop so you can land on top of it.

You can go on to heel flips and so forth after you have got to grips with the varial flip. I hope you have fun with this trick.
The trick, once learned, can be done at will, and looks a real neat and cool trick for you to perform. Like all tricks, your technique and control with this is everything, and you must have your technique rock solid before attempting it.

If you want to learn how to do all the skateboarding tricks in 8 weeks or less then click on Skate Secrets

Skateboarding For Fun

Thats right, skateboarding for fun! This is the reason I took up skateboarding myself, well, that and the chance to get to know some chicks, and I guess that comes under the fun umbrella too!!

You gotta enjoy yourself on a skateboard, otherwise there aint much point doing it in the first place.
So how do we make skateboarding a fun activity? Well there a few things you can do to get to this unadulterated place of joy.

Firstly, get out there with a smile on your face, and do not take yourself too seriously. Let your inhibitions run free, which you may think is a good one coming from an Englishman, but there we go.

Do not get frustrated when you fall off your board, or think that you have lost your dignity. Who cares? Just get back on your horse and start again. We have all fallen off many, many times, we have all screwed up badly, it comes with the territory and how you learn to get better unfortunately.

Skateboarding for fun can be achieved by not taking on things you have no chance of succeeding in. Build up your technique and skateboard craft first, get to know how to balance on the board, and get your posture and feet right before anything else.
That way once you start to move onto the Ollie etc, they will seem easier to learn, and you can enjoy your learning curve more.

If you are trying to learn a new technique, and cant get it right and you are getting more and more frustrated, knock it on the head for a while and try something else. Go back to it when you feel fresher and more up for it.
Be creative and original once you have learnt the basics, let yourself go and enjoy yourself.
Sometimes when you are in the middle of something you forget that you started skateboarding for fun in the first place. You maybe need to take a step back and clear your head to put a grin back on your visage.

To learn techniques and tricks in double quick time look at this guide at Skate Secrets

Secrets Of Skateboarding Review

You need to read this Secrets Of Skateboarding review if you are thinking of purchasing this e-book. This is without doubt the most talked about e-book in the skateboarding genre.
And you gotta ask yourself why this is? And this is because it can do what it says on the tin. It can help you to learn all the skateboarding tricks around, and then some, in 8 weeks or less.

So why can it do this? Well, the devil is in the detail, and Tony Waters is very, very good on the detail. He bangs on about the correct technique, and more importantly gives you detailed guides on how to go about getting the correct technique.

In the Secrets Of Skateboarding he writes in a concise and easy to follow manner, and all the e-book flows towards a natural conclusion.
He tells you exactly what to do before you even attempt a trick, where your feet should be and the posture you should have, so that you have the correct balance and weight distribution on each foot.

He tells you where and how hard to pop, and how your feet should rotate and flip the board.
Tony gives you brilliantly detailed guides on many, many tricks, among them the Ollie, Kickflip, Pop Shove It, Hard Flip, 360 Flip, Varial Flip, Frontside Heelflip, and Backside Heel Flip.

The Secrets Of Skateboarding could not make it more simpler for you, just follow the guide and do the exercises he shows you and learn the techniques exactly as he shows you, and you will learn these tricks 50 times faster than attempting them without this guide.
As I said it is his detailed analysis of how to go about learning tricks that wins me over. It gives you very specific instructions that make life a whole lot easier.

He even goes into the mental approach you need before attempting any tricks, and looks at visuallisation as a good technique to use.

So this Secrets Of Skateboarding review has to give the guide a big thumbs up. If you see a better guide, please give me a call!

You can find the guide if you click on Skate Secrets

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

How Do You Get Good At Skateboarding

So how do you get good at skateboarding? This might not seem very romantic to you but there aint no way around the fact that you get good by practicing. Now you may say no kidding Sherlock!!

But its funny how a whole load of people take up skateboarding, only to give up cos they find it hard to learn, or they keep falling over, or they hurt themselves once.
Oh purlease! Come on, the fact is that virtually everybody who gets on a skateboard for the first time finds it difficult, they fall off with monotonous regularity, and they hurt themselves not once, but quite a few times.

99% of us out there do not have a god given talent on a skateboard, but have to get there by learning the basics first, keeping it nice and simple, developing the correct technique, and building blocks so that you get better step by step.
Hey presto, and before you know it you find that, actually, you can skateboard pretty good all of a sudden, you can do some cool moves and tricks, and this skateboarding lark is a whole load of fun!!

So the question, how do you get good at skateboarding, can be answered by saying that you do have to put in the hard yards. Get comfortable on your skateboard first, find the stance you are happy with, and then start to experiment by jumping on and off your board, and pushing off and gaining speed.

Get your posture right, and find when you need to bend your knees and how to lean into a corner, and where to position your feet for this. All the time you are building blocks that you will be able to fall back on, and your technique will get tighter and smoother.

There will be setbacks along the way, you will crash and burn plenty times, but if you are determined you will come out the other side a good skateboarder.

To speed up the learning process you can use this excellent guide, which you can find by clicking on Skate Secrets

Monday, 6 July 2009

Skateboard Learning

This article on skateboard learning looks at what this activity can do for anyone who takes up the sport. Skateboarding is a hugely popular pastime, particularly with the young, and with good reason.

The thrills and spills you can get from being on a skateboard, the threat of danger if you do a trick or move wrong and crash, yeh the sheer adrenaline rush of flying down a hill, or looping into the air, is very hard to beat.

It takes a lot of skill and a huge amount of courage also to make a good skateboarder. When you have just started skateboard learning it seems unthinkable that you could do some of the tricks you have seen on the TV or You Tube or in the street or park by some experienced skater.

But make no mistake, if you have the guts and patience to keep learning and building up your technique and confidence, you will soon become a very good skateboarder in your own right. Some very wise dude once pointed out that genius was 90% perspiration and just 10% inspiration, and he was dead right. Skills and technique are not just god given, they have to be mastered by practicing.

And skateboarding gives you the precious ability to be creative and make your own signature moves on your board. A skateboard is a great way to reflect your personality, and can give you a feeling of real freedom. Once you get good you can really let your inhibitions go.

Skateboard learning will get you fit too. It is a great aerobic activity and will work most of your major muscle groups. It will help your balance and coordination no end, and will make you a far better athlete than you previously were.

If you want to be a skateboard pro in next to no time there is a great guide that can be found by clicking on Skate Secrets

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Skateboarding Safely

OK, let us have a look at skateboarding safely. Dont get the wrong impression that this entails crawling along on your skateboard at 2 miles per hour in a crouched position!
No skateboarding safely is just taking all the steps you can while you are skating to prevent serious injury. Nobody is telling you not to do wild tricks and moves.

So once you have your safety gear, helmet buckled up (essential), knee pads and wrist braces (essential when doing ramps or verts), elbow pads (non-essential but a broken elbow is a particularly sore injury which takes a long time to heal), and cups (now this is a particularly sore, painful injury!), you then want to look at how you are skating, to prevent injury, and to be skateboarding safely as much as poss.

When you fall off your skateboard, which trust me will be frequently, it is important not to try to break your fall by throwing your hands out, as all this will do will damage your hands, arms and wrists. So what you need to try to do is to turn your shoulder and roll it as you hit the ground. Your shoulder is one of the fleshiest parts of your body and will take impact better than most other parts, as long as you dont stiffen up as you are hitting the floor, but rolling with the shoulder so that the impact is minimal.

Look around you before and during skating, are there any obstacles, both moving and stationary, that you may hit on your travels. Find a safe environment to skate in.

Do not run before you can walk. Start with simple moves, go on to the most basic tricks, and build yourself up to the most inventive and wilder tricks. They will come in time, but if you injure yourself badly through trying things too early it could shatter your confidence, as well as your bones!!

If you want to learn to skateboard mega fast the best guide on the net can be found by clicknig on Skate Secrets

Skateboard Safety

Skateboard safety may not be the most exciting subject to look at in the skateboard field, but it is the darn most important.
I know a lot of skateboarders get into the sport cos its extreme and wild, it gives you an adrenaline kick like no other and it gives you complete freedom when you are out there on the board.

But skateboard safety is mega important exactly for this reason. Skateboarding gives you that adrenaline rush as you can be right on the edge at times, and it is because you are right on the edge that you at great risk of seriosly hurting yourself.
And some injuries you just do not recover from, like a sickening crack to the back of your head.

You can still feel free and wild and uninhibited while following simple safety procedures. It really is the dumbest thing not to.
Skateboarders are on concrete most of the time, and that stuff does not give an inch when you hit it! Also you are leaving terra firma quite a bit of the time, and if you dont land right then man it hurts.

So please follow some simple skateboard safety rules to keep yourself fit and healthy and in top notch form.
First and foremost, wear a helmet and buckle it too. It aint no use if you go flying through the air and your helmet flies off in an alternative direction!
Also, wrist braces will stop you breaking your wrist or arm when you fall and put your hands out. A little note here, when you fall try to turn your body and roll over on your shoulder instead of throwing your arms out and making a mess of them.

Wear knee pads, especially when you are ramp or vert skating.
Elbow pads ditto.
And then there is the cup! It may not seem cool, but nobody knows its there, and if you do want babies in later life I figure its a good idea! Also guys, the pain really is intense down there when you get caught, I am sure I dont really need to tell you that.

So there we are with skateboard safety. When you get all your gear, and you want to be a top skateboarder in the quickest possible time, take a look at the best guide on the net by clicking on Skate Secrets

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Learn To Skateboard

When you are starting up and want to learn to skateboard the best advice I could give you is to get a cheap skateboard first up! Hey, there is method in the madness, cos you are gonna take a lot of dives and smash that board into a few inanimate objects, and a lot of the time those inanimate objects will come off best!

So dont spend a lot of money on a board that you find you have wrecked a few weeks down the line. Before you start to learn to skateboard have a look around in your local area for any skateboards going cheap. Go to a few shops and find out what sort of price they are selling boards for by all means, but I would for sure go for a second hand one to get you going.

Try to pick one that has a good width to it, and also a good depth/thickness, meaning that the skateboard is relatively heavy, so that it will give you more balance as you learn.
If it is possible I would also try to get good bearings on your wheels too, Abec 2 bearings are spot on I would say, as the higher the bearings, the quicker your wheels will spin.

When you want to learn to skateboard it is important to get a feel for your board and where your feet are positioned on the board. Practice rolling along on the board, and find the best place to position your feet that avoids you falling off or tipping up your board. Practice balancing and push off and bend your knees to see the effect the movement of shifting your body weight forward has on your speed and balance.

Practice banging your foot down on the tail of the board and catching the front end of your board with your front foot as it pops up, and then leaning forward and gaining momentum.

There are lots of little actions you can try out as you learn to skateboard.
The quickest way to learn all the tricks and everything you need to become a really skilled skater can be found if you click on Skate Secrets

Skateboard Tips

In skateboard tips we are going to have a look at one particular skill, and that is how to build speed and gain momentum on a skateboard ramp.
An important point for this, please wear your helmet for it as there is a danger of alling back and cracking your head if you judge it wrong.

So here goes with these skateboard tips.OK, so as you are looking down the ramp, you have your back wheels over the edge of the coping and your back foot balanced on the tail of your board. You need to have your body leaning forward but not too far forward that you are going to tip right over. Also,if you do not lean forward enough you are going to fall back and take a nasty crack to the back of the head.

Now put your front foot over the front bolts, and with your back foot on the tail you just drop into the skateboard ramp. You must have your front foot over the front bolts, as if you have your front foot further back you are likely to fall back when you drop down the ramp.

So start with your weight on the tail, and then with your front foot ease down so that the board drops down the ramp. Lean forward,but not too much, and bend your knees some to gain momentum on the ramp.

You may come to grief a few times until you get the hang of how far you are leaning so again I cant stress the importance of wearing your helmet on this one.
Keep practicing this until it becomes second nature to you, and then once you have confidence you can build up your speeds more and more. Hope these skateboard tips will help you.

The best guide on the net to teach you how to become an expert skateboarder in 2 months or less can be found if you click on Skate Secrets