Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Learn Skateboarding

To learn skateboarding there are a few things that you require, so let us run down the list and see if skateboarding is cut out for you.

1. Get a good skateboard, which for a beginner should be a fairly thick and wide board, as this will give you more solidity and balance. You may not be able to throw it around too much but thats not the issue at first, you want a board that you will not keep coming off.

2. Get kitted out with a skateboard helmet. This is your number 1 priority, dont even think about getting on your skateboard without a helmet. You can also get knee and wrist pads too.

3. Find a good, safe area to skateboard in, where there are not many objects to crash into, and where there arent a lot of people that you might bump into as well.

4. To learn skateboarding you need to get the basics of your technique sorted out first. So get practicing learning how to balance on your board. Push off down a hill and see how long you can keep your balance. Find which stance you feel the most comfortable.

5. Try out jumping onto the board and keeping your balance.

6. To learn skateboarding you will have to be prepared for the fact that you are going to fall off and hurt yourself from time to time. There is no way around it, but at least if you have your safety gear on you will minimise any damage done.

7. Practice putting your feet on the edge of your skateboard and making your board curve as you move.

8. Practice flipping the board up from the back and then catching the front of the board with the ball of your front foot as it rises, and keeping control.

These are a few starting points for when you learn skateboarding.

If you want to learn all the skateboarding tricks in 8 weeks or less there is no better guide than the Secrets of Skateboarding, which you can find by clicking on Skate Secrets

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Monday, 3 August 2009

Having Fun Skateboarding

Here are my top 5 tips for having fun skateboarding. If you cant have fun skateboarding, you aint never gonna have any fun mon brave!! So here goes, lets see if I can give you a push in the right direction.

1. Let yourself go when you are skateboarding, have a blow out and a wild time. Put a smile on your face, rock and roll down that hill and give it everything you have got.
Dont think too much about it, just do it without any inhibitions and put yourself in the zone where the rest of your life cant touch you. I hope I am not gettin too hippy on you here!

2. This is the boring bit, but to have fun you have to wear a helmet. Yeah, but it isnt cool to end up on a life support machine with a brain that doesnt function proper cos you were too dumb to wear a helmet.

3. Get the basics down pat, so then you can improvise on the top of your good technique. Technique is vitally important, but once you have learnt the basic manoeuvres then you can really have fun.

4. Be creative, try out new moves. Try to think of a signature move that no one you know does. Push yourself to try out diferent things with your skateboard. Skateboarding can be an art form in the right hands.

5. Be sociable, get out with your mates when you are skateboarding and share the fun around. When you look back on your life you will find that all the best times you had, all the really great times you had, were when you shared things with other people, experiences and tribulations too.

So there we are, my guide to having fun skateboarding. Yeah a lot of it is tongue in cheek but there is a little bit of wisdom I like to think in there too.

If you want to learn all the skateboarding tricks in double quick time then you should click on Skate Secrets