Tuesday, 26 May 2009

History Of Skateboarding

In this blog we are taking a walk down memory lane and looking at the history of skateboarding.
It started off as "side-walk surfing" and was closely related to surfing back then, a kind of offshoot. Fact is that skateboards we are pretty sure originated in California, so you can see the connection.

They were developed at first it is believed in the 1940`s, but only began to gain popularity in the 1960`s onwards. Surfers used them as a kind of dry surfing run, and kids who couldn`t get to the beach found skateboarding as the next best thing.
The first skateboards were surfboard shaped, but the board widened as people started using skateboards more inventively, and ramps started being used.

The history of skateboarding shows us that once skateboard parks came onto the scene things really started to rock and roll! People started all sorts of cool tricks.
They started doing nose wheelies, which is riding on the front wheels, and the 360 was invented, which is spinning around on the back wheels. I hope this isn`t dullsville for you, but I like finding out about the history of skateboarding, its neat to know how things are connected, and how sports develop and grow.

The ollie was the first skateboard trick of the modern era, and after the ollie things really hotted up.
If ya don`t know what the ollie is, it is to fly off the ground with the board, but not holding onto the board, and then landing back on the board. You can use your feet to press against the board in all types of ways for various manoeuvres and tricks. This must have been ultra exciting when this was first created.
By the way,do you know where the name of the ollie came from? It was the creators middle name Alan Ollie Gelfand.

So thats a brief history of skateboarding. It doesn`t always get the respect it deserves for the complexity and subtlety of the tricks and the imaginative moves.
To learn all the best skateboarding tricks in rapido time click on SkateboardingSecrets

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