Thursday, 11 June 2009

Skateboard Decks

Skateboard decks are an extension of your personality, and it is important you start out with the right one from the get go for yourself.

First up, if you are a newbie, lets look at the width of the board. You want to have a board that is quite wide without too much curvature, as these sort of skateboard decks will give you more stability than a narrow one. One plus about a wide deck is that you can carve a whole lot easier on it.

With a narrower deck you will find it easier to do fliptricks and to ollie, as it stands to reason that a lighter deck will afford you to flip it and spin it better.
You have more control and options with what you can do with the deck but you do not have the same stability that a wider deck will give you, so start with a wider deck and progress to a narrower one when your skateboarding skills mean you have grown out of your first deck.

Deck sizes go from 7.0 up to 10.0 normally so there is quite a big difference between the smaller and the larger decks.
You also need some good quality grip tape to grip the skateboard decks up so you are not skidding around on the deck. Most decks will come with some free grip tape but if it doesnt ask them to throw some in for free!! It pays to be cheeky doncha know!!

There are differences in the ply depth of skateboard decks too. Again the more ply, in other words layers of compressed ply, in the skateboard, the thicker and heavier it will be.
If you are a newbie I would suggest that you go for a relatively heavy deck as this will also give you more stability.

If you want to learn to skateboard like a pro in double quick time have a look at this terrific guide to everything you need to know. Just click on SkateSecrets

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