Monday, 8 June 2009

Skateboarding Tricks

Skateboarding tricks can generally be broken up into 5 separate groupings, and this is what we are going to mosey on down to take a gander at here.
OK here are the 5 main groupings, in no particular order mind.

1. Fliptricks. These are all based around the ollie and comprise of various types of aerial flips without using your hands. The feet remain on the board throughout the trick. Some fliptricks include a fakie ollie, an ollie 180, the kickflip, the heelflip, and the hardflpi etc. In many fliptricks the board is flipped upside down.

2. Freestyle tricks. Freestyle skateboarding tricks involve balancing on either one wheel or two, and sometimes just the front or back of the board, or even the edges. Freestyle has been popular for many years as it is a great way to improvise and have fun on the board, and you can get in to some cool flips.

3. Aerials. Similar to the fliptricks, and as the name implies they are tricks involving flipping your skateboard into the air, but with an aerial trick you use your hand or hands to control the board.

4. Slides and grinds. These skateboarding tricks involve the use of a rail or ledge that the skateboard slides or grinds along. The skateboarder jumps onto the rail or ledge with his board and either slides along it with the edge of the board, or grinds along it with the truck. You dont have to use just rails or ledges either, you can use whatever you got available and improvise, such as with the edges of pavements or pools. The great thing about skateboarding as far as I see it is we can all improvise and use our own imagination.

5. Liptricks. These are mainly done on a skateboard ramp. Half pipes, quarter pipes and mini ramps are all used for liptricks, which again as the name implies uses the lip of the ramp to perform various tricks, such as axle stalls, bean plants, boardstalls and inverts etc.

If ya want to learn to skateboard like a champ in the space of 2 months just take a look at the guide here by clicking on SkateboardSecrets

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