Thursday, 18 June 2009

Skateboard Moves

Skateboard moves to die for part 1! Let us have a look at the Laser Flip. The Laser Flip is kinda one of the more complicated skateboard moves. They tell me this particular trick was invented by a dude going by the name of Rodney Mullen.
Well Rodney, much respect is due cos you did the world a great favour.

Do you have any idea how to do the Laser Flip? OK, well if the answer was in the negative you may want to read a little further while I describe the trick for you. As I mentioned it is a bit complex but once you get your head and your feet around it you will be fine mon brave.

Place the front foot behind the back bolts and also towards the heel side edge of the board, and place your back foot near the side pocket of the boards tail.
What you need to do is scoop the tail inwards, while at the same time brushing the board in a heelflip motion. These movements have to be done in one sweep for the flip to rotate properly.

The board rotates similar to a heelflip. There is no doubt that it does take practice to get these skateboard moves right but it is well worth the effort once you have mastered them. Once you are shooting lasers with this trick you will be one happy skateboarder. It will probably feel like a work in progress for quite some time but aint that the case with most skateboard moves?

You have to remember Rome was not built in a day. It took those Romans, with a little help from a few thousand slaves grafting away you understand, a long time to put together that great city. But it was a labour of love I figure. Anyway, you get the drift, now get out and practice!

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